Informace k průběhu akademického roku:

  V případě potřeby napište mail nebo volejte:

      doc. Ing. Michal Toman, CSc.
      Tvorba a správa fakultního rozvrhu
      Studijní oddělení, FSv ČVUT v Praze
      C-117, tel.: +420 22435 7957

  Orientační plán Fakulty stavební - 3D pohledy:

Symbols in Timetables:
   KP    - lecture of mandatory course,         KC    - seminar of mandatory course,
   PP    - lecture of compulsory optional course,         PC    - seminar of compulsory optional course,
   MP    - lecture of focus course,         MC    - seminar of focus course,
   VP    - lecture of optional course,         VC    - seminar of optional course,
   OP    - lecture for recurrent students,         OC    - seminar for recurrent students,
   XP    - lecture of external course,         XC    - seminar of external course,
   KC    ,    PC    ,    MC    ,    VC    ,    OC    - seminar of course (students will enroll only one of the seminars with this designation),
   PC    - seminar of compulsory optional course (students will enroll only one of the seminars of the "compulsory optional languages" group),
   PC    - seminar of compulsory optional course (students will enroll only one of the project/seminar with this designation depends on department),
   ZK    - examination,         ZPk    - classified credit,         ZP    - credit,
   SD    - PhD study,         KH    - consultation,         RM    - booking of location,    ST    - teaching block FEL, FS, FSv,
e.g.   sudéPO     lichýPÁ   - transfer of teaching according to the regulations of the faculty management,
  sudé   - lessons are available only in even calendar weeks,
  liché   - lessons are available only in odd calendar weeks,
Tutorial Week in semester is odd/even by the ordinal number of the week in the planning calendar.
Teacher 1  - staff in the lower left corner of the activity = Primary Teacher,
Teacher 2, Teacher 3  - staff in the lower right corner of the activity = Other Teachers.
Timetables are automatically generated by
Scientia Web Server for Syllabus Plus
and will appear here.